Love, Form, Serve


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August 2024

  /    /  August

My formation process was going on normally in my beloved Archdiocese, when suddenly, at the beginning of this year, a proposal changed all the “human plans” I had. Indeed, it was the possibility of continuing my theological studies in Rome. At that moment I remembered that phrase of Ratzinger “the ways of the Lord are not comfortable, but neither are we created for comfort, but for great things”. In this way,

“One crosses seas and deserts in order to reach a land where one can live in peace and security.” Pope Francis August 28th is a very special day for my formation life, since this date was the first time that I had the joy of meeting the Vicar of Christ, His Holiness Pope Francis. This experience made me reaffirm my vocational response. The reasons were simple, but of enormous significance. One of

Dear Friends With each new beginning, the face of the Seminary is reconfigured and enriched. This is the experience we are joyfully experiencing in these early days of the 2024-2025 academic year with the arrival of 38 new seminarians and 14 new student priests. What's more, there are also new members among the formators! Welcome Fathers Jorge Eduardo García, LC, Andrew LaBudde, LC, Carl Kuss, LC and Juan Gerardo Limón, LC to