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September 2020

  /    /  September

Holy Mass at the altar of St. John Paul II, with Mons. Jorge C. Patrón Wong and the community of seminarians of PCIMME This Sunday, September 20, at the beginning of the new academic year, the seminarians of the College had the opportunity to celebrate Holy Mass in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, at the altar of the tomb of St. John Paul II. The mass was presided by H.E.

Fr. Florián Rodero, L.C., has been for almost 30 years spiritual director of so many young seminarians at the Mater Ecclesiae College. Welcoming the opportunity of this change in mission, we asked him to write, albeit briefly, a testimony of what these past years have been like for him in the beautiful work of training future priests for the people of God. The essential mission of the priest is the salvation

Dear friends, Thanks to God we are starting a new academic year at Mater Ecclesiae. From March until now, our life has been marked by uncertainty, due to the pandemic that still exists in the world. Last May, before the end of the course, I asked myself: Will the priests and seminarians of the College be able to return to their dioceses or do pastoral work in a parish this summer? I