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  /  News   /  Siro-Malabar rite: deacon ordination and minors orders

Siro-Malabar rite: deacon ordination and minors orders

On April 17, Bishop Mar Stephen Chirapannah, apostolic visitor for the faithful of the Syro-Malabar rite in Europe, conferred the order of diaconate on the seminarian Melbin Tomy, the order of subdiaconate on 11 seminarians, and the order of lectorate on five of them.

In his homily, the bishop told us that “if the priest has his eyes open and his heart open during the celebration of the Eucharist, this will ensure that the people present will also experience God. During the Mass, the presence of God must be celebrated. The crises, the confusions, the sadness of the priests, just like the disciples of Emmaus, are due to not having their eyes and heart open to discover the presence of God. The Catholic Church has survived many ideologies and wars and will continue to survive by having its eyes and heart open.”

Referring to the seminarians, the bishop said that “right now that you are in the seminary, you must listen to the Word of God, linger long with Jesus in the Eucharist in prayer, go with joy to Holy Mass, and this will ensure that you will have burning hearts and open eyes.”


Deacon ordination

Deacons have the right and duty to read the epistles, offer the gifts in the divine liturgy, be witnesses of the church in the spousals, preach the liturgical homily, preside over the prayers for the dead, etc. This rite contains the psalms, the sacraments, and the liturgy of the Church. This rite contains psalms, hymns, and prayers for the candidates, and two prayers of laying on of hands.

They will be given the book of epistles and will be dressed with Urara, the stole on the left shoulder. While the assembly sings the psalms and hymns, the archdeacon accompanies the new deacons to the altar to kiss it and take possession of the place where they will serve.

Deacon Melbin Tomy



The second minor order of heupadiakna: the Subdiaconate with the rite of laying on of hands. Subdeacons have the right and duty to assist in liturgical celebrations according to the norms. They must guard the sacred vessels, the church portal, the lamp of the Blessed Sacrament, the order and decorum of the church, read the book of psalms and incense, and assist at the Holy Altar.

In this way, the sub-deacons participate in the life of Christ who purified and prepared the Temple to make the true sacrifice of his Passover. They will be given the sacred vessels for the preparation of the sacrifice and the book of psalms. In addition to the Robe and Girdle, the subdeacons will be worn with Urara, that is, the stole, around their necks. The ordination will take place at the foot of the altar.



The minor order of Karoyusa: the first minor order in the Syro-Malabar Church, this is the lectorate with the laying on of hands. Those who will be ordained lectors have the right and duty to read the Old Testament. Therefore they will be given the book of the Old Testament. They will be clothed with the Robe (Kotina) and the Girdle (Sunara). The Robe (Kotina) is the symbol of the new man and the Girdle is the symbol of purity.