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Misions in Holy Week

This year, despite the pandemic, it was possible for some of the priests and seminarians of the College to go to different parishes in Italy to minister during Holy Week.

For the priests, they went to different parishes.

Here are the photos with the destinations of those who were able to go

P. Abel Nduwimana


A small group of seminarians went to the parish of Santa Maria del Popolo, in Surbo, Lecce in the south of Italy. They were accompanied by Fr. Joao Petroski and Fr. José María Moriano.

Foto di gruppo

In the words of seminarian Alan Thomas, from India, these missions were a very rich experience:

After two weeks of pastoral work in Surbo I must say that it was a unique experience for everyone who went there.  Even though the corona virus limited us, we all enjoyed and celebrated the life of a missionary in Surbo. 

It helped us a lot to understand the life of the people and they now appreciate the Christian life very much. 
An unforgettable experience was that everyone shared their expectations from a parish priest who actually means a lot to us in our formation. 

The parish priest was so generous and always helped us to understand the needs of the faithful, especially through the liturgy and daily life. 

Thank you Surbo for this wonderful experience.


Finally, another small group of seminarians from Colombia.
They went to the parish of Maria Assunta in Cielo in Canale Monterano and to the parish of Sant’Egidio in Monte Virginio.

Con il parroco

In the words of seminarian Luis Francisco Salazar, from Colombia, to do the missions in Holy Week is to give people the joy of the Risen Lord:

We lived a week of intense prayer and above all of intense encounter with the Lord. For us it was a great opportunity to bring hope in this difficult time we are going through because of the pandemic.
Joy, love and hope are the values that animate and carry forward each of the people we met, their faces truly reflect that they have let themselves be found by Christ.
Thus, for us, it was also an opportunity to experience the presence of Christ in these two parish communities which, led by their parish priest, radically live the experience of encounter, the experience of welcome and above all the experience of the Risen Lord.


The seminarians and priests who remained in the College were able to celebrate the mysteries of the Passion and Resurrection of Christ

Domenica della Palme


Let us thank God Our Lord for having allowed us to live these mysteries. May the joy and light of the Resurrection of His Son and Our Lord Jesus Christ enable us to be more united and may the pandemic end.