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  /  Rector   /  A new academic year

A new academic year

Dear friends,

Thanks to God we are starting a new academic year at Mater Ecclesiae.

From March until now, our life has been marked by uncertainty, due to the pandemic that still exists in the world. Last May, before the end of the course, I asked myself: Will the priests and seminarians of the College be able to return to their dioceses or do pastoral work in a parish this summer? I did not know the answer then. Today, I can say that once again the Lord has been great with us (Ps 125), because this summer we were able to have a few days of vacation together, formators and seminarians, we were able to do pastoral service in various parishes, shrines and camps and, little by little those who had to return to their dioceses have been able to do so.

Now we prepare for the new course. Despite all the difficulties and obstacles that the pandemic causes, God willing we are expecting 18 new seminarians in the College, coming from Burundi, Croatia, Italy, India, Mexico, Nigeria, El Salvador and South Sudan. Some have already arrived, others will do so in these next few days.I hope this new course brings us the vaccine against COVID-19 and with it many good things: health for the seriously ill infected by the virus, work and financial income for those who have lost them totally or in part, education and face-to-face teaching for children and young people in schools and universities, free participation in religious ceremonies and sacraments: masses, baptisms, communions, marriages, funerals, etc.

Meanwhile, we continue to pray for so many people, and we continue to prepare ourselves to be good priests according to the Heart of Jesus, good shepherds who bring the peace and love of God to many people in need materially and spiritually.

I also ask a prayer for us, please. Thank you very much.

P. Enrique Tapia, L.C.